Infinite Prosperous Self Gift Bundle from Akasha

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $0.00.

My Gift Infinite Self Bundle (INSTANT DOWNLOAD)

You are a being of Infinite potential, and you are here on a fully funded mission. You can release the past, pain and struggle and step into your Peaceful Prosperous nature now. You have everything you need in the present moment and these tools will help you uncover them, increase your intuitive senses, rewire your idea about lack and prosperity and expand your ability to speak up and express yourself, in your on unique way so your success is ideally aligned to what natures and feeds your soul.

Welcome! Akasha here, and I have gathered some powerful and easy to use tools to assist you in transforming lack, burnout, stress and fear into harmony with infinite possibilities. All of your gifts are here for you to access instantly. Enjoy the meditations and send an email Donna at [email protected] if you need help, have any questions, are interested in Sacred Retreats, Weekly Infinite Shows with meditations and live readings. Join me on my Infinite Show several times a week.